
These are conversations with myself as I work my way through my ideas and thoughts. Themes that follow me around, taunting me, and asking me to play. Beliefs and opinions as dance partners and the dance changes and evolves from time to time – as we learn and adapt to each other, the music, and our surroundings.

Beliefs, opinions, and ideas should grow, nourish and sometimes die. The dance may change, and the dance partner may as well – otherwise the dance gets stale, old, and tired. When the dance, the moves, and the partner all remain the same then there is zero evidence of growth.

I’m working on myself and making sure there is always something new and exciting floating around in my head. Some are bubbles that pop, or collide and merge. Others are balloons tossed by the wind, some are tethered or rising high into the atmosphere. Maybe they are fireworks which dazzle and the burn up into nothing. Ribbons or flags or the Northern Lights. But an empty plastic bag may draw your attention, it’s nothing but an empty plastic bag. The trick is to keep from getting distracted by the empty bag.

The goal is to clear away the distractions and working on self-improvement means also being self-critical. Introspection was never on the menu when a belief system is indistinguishable from one held 5 or 10 or more years ago. Which is why I write here. No one has all the correct answers at any one time. But it would be nice to collect as many as possible while we hike along. Leave only footprints, but take notes.

Maybe I’m wrong. I’m ok with that as long as I don’t persist in being wrong.