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  • Workers Go Go!
    We work hard in the factories and farms, Making things with our muscles and arms. But the bosses want to make more dough, So they pay us less and make us go, go, go. We toil all day, our backs are sore, But we can’t afford to take a snore. Our kids go hungry, our homes are bleak, Capitalism makes our lives so meek. We speak up, but they say “buzz off!”, They threaten to fire us, we feel so scoffed. But we deserve a fair deal and treat, With good pay and a comfortable seat. Capitalism can be so mean, To the workers, it’s like a bad dream. But we’ll keep fighting for what is right, For a better life, we’ll put up a fight.

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Three columns

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  • Workers Go Go!
    We work hard in the factories and farms, Making things with our muscles and arms. But the bosses want to make more dough, So they pay us less and make us go, go, go. We toil all day, our backs are sore, But we can’t afford to take a snore. Our kids go hungry, our homes are bleak, Capitalism makes our lives so meek. We speak up, but they say “buzz off!”, They threaten to fire us, we feel so scoffed. But we deserve a fair deal and treat, With good pay and a comfortable seat. Capitalism can be so mean, To the workers, it’s like a bad dream. But we’ll keep fighting for what is right, For a better life, we’ll put up a fight.
  • The Backbone of Our Nation

    Workers, the backbone of our nation,
    A vital part of our economy’s foundation,
    From the factories to the fields,
    Their labor and hard work never yields.

    They build our cities and keep them running,
    Their hands are rough, their will is stunning,
    They toil in the sun and in the rain,
    Their dedication never wanes.

    They are the nurses, the teachers, the farmers,
    Their contributions often go unnoticed, like a silent charmer.
    They are the ones who make our society thrive,
    Their efforts keep our economy alive.

    They are the ones who keep the gears turning,
    Their hard work keeps the wheels churning,
    And though they may be tired and worn,
    Their contributions to society are never forlorn.

    Workers, the backbone of our nation,
    A vital part of our economy’s foundation,
    Their labor and hard work should be recognized,
    For they are the ones who keep our society energized.

  • Read More
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