Query Loop
Note: A separator have been added between each query loop.
Title & date variation
Title & excerpt variation
Alignment Gallery images have “Expand on click” Color Gallery images with border: Gallery images with duotone: Dimensions Padding preset: 4 Padding preset: 4, and background color Margin preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 0 Block pacing preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 7
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 A paragraph inside a classic block. A quote inside a classic block Bulleted list List item List item Numbered list List item List item
Title, date & excerpt variation
Alignment Quote, default (no alignment) Citation Quote, left aligned Citation Quote, centered Citation Quote, right aligned Citation Quote, Plain style variation, default (no alignment) Citation Quote, Plain style variation, left aligned Citation Quote, Plain style variation, centered Citation Quote, Plain style variation, right aligned Citation Color Quote, with text color Citation Quote, with text and…
Unordered Ordered A second ordered list with starter value set to 4: Number styles Reverse order Color Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Padding and margin
Image, date, and title variation
Hello world!
Workers Go Go!
Post type: page
Filter: “Design” category
Offset: 1
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 A paragraph inside a classic block. A quote inside a classic block Bulleted list List item List item Numbered list List item List item
Alignment Aspect ratio Expand on click Border Duotone
Pagination without reload
Alignment Gallery images have “Expand on click” Color Gallery images with border: Gallery images with duotone: Dimensions Padding preset: 4 Padding preset: 4, and background color Margin preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 0 Block pacing preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 7
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 A paragraph inside a classic block. A quote inside a classic block Bulleted list List item List item Numbered list List item List item
Alignment Gallery images have “Expand on click” Color Gallery images with border: Gallery images with duotone: Dimensions Padding preset: 4 Padding preset: 4, and background color Margin preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 0 Block pacing preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 7
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 A paragraph inside a classic block. A quote inside a classic block Bulleted list List item List item Numbered list List item List item
Alignment Gallery images have “Expand on click” Color Gallery images with border: Gallery images with duotone: Dimensions Padding preset: 4 Padding preset: 4, and background color Margin preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 0 Block pacing preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 7
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 A paragraph inside a classic block. A quote inside a classic block Bulleted list List item List item Numbered list List item List item
Alignment Gallery images have “Expand on click” Color Gallery images with border: Gallery images with duotone: Dimensions Padding preset: 4 Padding preset: 4, and background color Margin preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 0 Block pacing preset: 4 Block pacing preset: 7
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 A paragraph inside a classic block. A quote inside a classic block Bulleted list List item List item Numbered list List item List item