Query Loop
Note: A separator have been added between each query loop.
Title & date variation
Workers are not Tools
Title & excerpt variation
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Title, date & excerpt variation
Latest posts
Oldest to newest: A to Z Z to A With excerpt With author name and post date With featured image Grid view Three columns Five columns With featured image Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignment. Color Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Padding and…
Latest Comments
Hide avatar Hide avatar and display date Hide avatar, date and excerpt Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignment. Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Padding and margin Padding preset: 4 Margin preset: 4
Image, date, and title variation
Hello world!
Workers Go Go!
Post type: page
Filter: “Design” category
Offset: 1
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Grid view: Display author: Display date: Display excerpt: Author, date, excerpt, 2 items: Author, date, excerpt, 2 items, grid Max items: 20 Alignment
Pagination without reload
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…