Query Loop
Note: A separator have been added between each query loop.
Title & date variation
Title & excerpt variation
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Title, date & excerpt variation
Tag cloud
Taxonomy: categories Show post count: Custom smallest and largest font size: Outline style variation Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignment. Typography Appearance Line height Letter spacing Letter case Padding and margin Padding preset: 4 Margin preset: 4
Social Icons
Pill shaped Logos only Show labels Vertical Icon size Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignment. Justification Color Dimensions Padding preset: 4 Margin preset: 4 Block spacing preset: 4
Image, date, and title variation
Hello world!
Workers Go Go!
Post type: page
Filter: “Design” category
Offset: 1
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Grid view: Display author: Display date: Display excerpt: Author, date, excerpt, 2 items: Author, date, excerpt, 2 items, grid Max items: 20 Alignment
Pagination without reload
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…
Gallery shortcode example: Audio shortcode example:
Labels, placeholders and button texts Button position and icon Alignment Note: there is a spacer block above to clear the alignments Width Color Note: text and background color only affect the button. Border Typography Font size Appearance Line height Letter spacing Decoration Letter case Developer only features Features that do not have a user interface:…