This is a call to action

This is what you need to do

Workers Go Go!


We work hard in the factories and farms, Making things with our muscles and arms. But the bosses want to make more dough, So they pay us less and make us go, go, go.

We toil all day, our backs are sore,
But we can’t afford to take a snore.
Our kids go hungry, our homes are bleak,
Capitalism makes our lives so meek.

We speak up, but they say “buzz off!”,
They threaten to fire us, we feel so scoffed.
But we deserve a fair deal and treat,
With good pay and a comfortable seat.

Capitalism can be so mean,
To the workers, it’s like a bad dream.
But we’ll keep fighting for what is right,
For a better life, we’ll put up a fight.

poem by ChatGPT ((I understand the irony of using a bot to create content about workers))

Workers are not Tools

a rack filled with lots of yellow hard hats

Workers, long oppressed, with anger in their hearts,
Their patience worn thin, they’re ready to make a start,
They’ve had enough of being exploited and used,
They’re ready to rise up, to take back what’s been abused.

With picket signs and banners high,
They march to demand fair wages, for benefits nigh,
For safe working conditions and a voice to be heard,
Their struggle for justice is not a thing to be blurred.

They band together, a union so strong,
Their collective power, can’t be wronged,
They stand up to the bosses, the wealthy elite,
For the rights of the worker, they will not retreat.

They strike, they protest, they demand change,
Till the capitalists feel the workers’ rage,
They will not be silenced, they will not be still,
Till the scales of power are balanced and will.

Workers, long oppressed, with anger in their hearts,
Will rise up to take back what’s been taken apart,
They’ll show the capitalists that they’re not just tools,
But human beings, with rights and dignity to rule.

poem by ChatGPT ((I understand the irony of using a bot to create content about workers))